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  Is Christian Rock Music Demonic?Thursday, March 6th, 2025  
by Dave Root

Sometimes I hear people say that Christian rock music is demonic. What do you think?

I believe that the Lord wants me to pray every day for Christian recording artist Rebecca St. James and her family and her ministry and her future husband (when the Lord gives me a release, I'll explain why), and I am happy to do so. Her music is practically the only music I listen to at the moment, and I have been praying daily for her for several years now. One day I asked the Lord if there is anything about her music, or any of the other Christian music that I have enjoyed, that might somehow be demonic. I am convinced that His answer was "no." After praying about this issue, and after studying the arguments that people have made, my personal feeling is that there is nothing demonic about modern Christian music in general. Certainly there might be Christian songs which have questionable lyrics, and there might be Christian recording artists who have questionable views or behaviors, and there are various types of music that some people don't enjoy, but I don't think that it is valid to make the generalized statement that "contemporary Christian music is demonic."

The problem is that when humans are involved in anything then there will be times when the "flesh" (or even demons) will have an influence. This is true in every area of ministry, whether it's the teaching ministry, the preaching ministry, the healing ministry, the music ministry, and so on, but it doesn't mean that these areas of ministry are demonic. It simply means that people are flawed. Sometimes we make poor decisions, and sometimes we make bad judgment calls. Sometimes it is because of the sin nature that we have inherited from Adam and Eve, and sometimes it is due to the influence of demons, and sometimes it is simply because we still have some maturing and learning to do. But it would be wrong to condemn an entire area of ministry just because we can find some less-than-perfect examples of Christians in that ministry. On that basis, we would have to condemn every area of ministry!

In another question in this series, I looked at the issue of whether or not musical instruments are forbidden in church. When I did a search on the Internet, I found that many of the arguments against instruments in church are quite calm, rational, reasonable, and well-thought-out. On the other hand, if you do an Internet search about Christian music being demonic, you'll find that many of the arguments against contemporary Christian music are based heavily on emotion and human logic. Consider that if the Bible says that certain forms of music are forbidden (such as "the rock beat"), then we should be able to calmly offer Scriptural reasons why modern Christian music might be demonic. It's unfortunate that this subject brings out so much anger and accusations and stirring up people's emotions against an area of ministry (as you can easily see if you do an Internet search), because this clouds the issue and affects people's discernment.

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