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  With One VoiceWednesday, March 26th, 2025  
by David S. Lampel

People who share the same focus will always sing in unison.

Individuals become a family by having something in common. In the case of human relation, it is the blood flowing through their veins that binds them together. But in the case of the family of God, it is the blood flowing out of the veins of Christ that does the binding.

A person may be drawn to participating in a choir by a love of singing_but it is that man or woman's love for Christ that will keep the song in his or her heart.

So how do we sing in unison?
Singing in unison (as used here) does not mean everyone singing the same note. What it means is that we all agree on
who is to sing to whom we are singing why we are singing
The answers to each of these can be found in Psalm 148. First, who is to sing? After itemizing every created thing, including the sun and moon, fire and hail, snow and clouds, the Psalmist continues his list with
. . . kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and maidens, old men and children. -Psalm 148:11-12 NIV
The point? Every person on this earth is to be praising the Lord. The second question_to whom are we to be singing_is answered by the first three words of the Psalm
Praise the Lord! -148:1a
Can we emphasize that too much, or too often? In this scattering world of distractions and false truth, can we hear too many reminders that it is the Lord who is to be the sole object of our praise and worship?

When the choir members arrive for practice, when they troop in on a Sunday morning, when musicals are staged and rehearsed and performed_the desire of every heart should be for the Lord. The focus of every thought, every intent, should be on the Lord.

Finally, why?

Verse 13 answers this.
Let them praise the name of the LORD, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven. -148:13 NKJV
Why? Because only the Lord's name is exalted_literally, "set on high"; it is only His glory that stands above earth and heaven.

With one voice.

What unity and strength there is in joining our voices as one, in praise of the One, the mighty God of heaven, the only one worthy of our praise.

In unison. From In Unison, by David S. Lampel. Used by permission.

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