Author Unknown
Always trust your children to God's care.
Bring them to worship and Bible School.
Challenge them to high goals in life.
Delight in their achievements.
Exalt the Lord in their presence at every opportunity.
Frown on evil.
Give them love.
Hear their problems.
Ignore not their childish fears.
Joyfully accept their apologies.
Keep their confidences.
Live a good example before them at all times.
Make them your best friends.
Never ignore their endless questions.
Open your home to their friends.
Pray for them by name daily.
Quicken your interest in their spirituality.
Remember their needs.
Show them the way of Salvation.
Teach them to work and be responsible.
Understand they still need you, even when they are older.
Verify your statements.
Wean them from bad company.
Xpect them to obey.
Yearn for God's best for them.
Zealously guide them in biblical truths.
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