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  AllowanceSaturday, February 22nd, 2025  
© 2006, Just 'Cause Web Works

Should you give your child an allowance or not? The jury will remain out forever. I grew up without one, but decided to give my kids one when they were in their teens. You couldn't get more opposite results from two siblings. My son grabbed the money and ran. It was gone soon after it left my hands, sometimes before. My daughter, on the other hand, held tightly to the allowance, saving for both needs and wants. Approximately half the adolescents in the United States receive an allowance. So my short answer is it depends on you and your child.

If you do feel it is not right to pay your kids to do chores because it is everyone's responsibility to help around the home, then don't. Do not go against your principles. The kids will know (they always know) and going against your principles is something you don't want to teach your children. Also, you won't be able to keep up your end of what an allowance should be, a learning experience, if you are don't believe in it to begin with. Tell them no when they ask why they are the "only ones" not receiving an allowance. Tell them, as parents, you do not believe in allowances. Do not try long explanations or justification. Other kids have already told your children all the tricks they used to get an allowance.

If you believe that an allowance is a teaching aid that can be used (1) as a learning tool for your child in saving for future gratification, (2) as a proper reward for good behavior, or (3) to show that hard work isn't it's only reward, then sit with your child and discuss starting an allowance. Both you and your child must be capable of and willing to maintain all conditions of the allowance. Your child will test the limits immediately, but it is your determination or laziness that will make an allowance system work or fail. As with anything to do with children, clear precise rules and consequences must be understood by all and backed up by you and your spouse. An allowance can be rewarding or a disaster for you and your child. Some of the outcome has to do with your child, most has to do with your commitment.

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