by Randy Alcorn
When one of my students in an ethics class at Multnomah Bible College paraphrased Scripture on the subject of children, it inspired me to do the same.
One of these statements is from God (Psalm 128:3-5), the others from a godless world. Can you choose which?
- Children are a burden; the fruit of the womb is a curse to this overpopulated world.
Like a crippling blow or burning coals under your feet, so are the children of one's youth.
How blessed is the one who avoids having any.
- Children are an inconvenience; the fruit of the womb is highly overrated.
Like a pebble in a shoe or a nagging cough, so are the children of one's youth.
How blessed is the one who has few of them and gets them out of the house as soon as possible.
- Children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a marksman, so are the children of one's youth.
How blessed is the one whose quiver is full of them.

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