Bakken, Peter W. et al. Ecology, Justice, and Christian Faith: A Guide to the Literature, 1960-1990. An excellent bibliography of ecotheological resources.
Berry, Thomas. Befriending the Earth: A Theology of Reconciliation Between Humans and the Earth. An incisive analysis of the possibilities of caring for Creation by a leading Catholic theologian.
Birch, Charles, et al., eds. Liberating Life: Contemporary Approaches to Ecological Theology. An ecumenical collection of ecotheological writings.
Bratton, Susan. Six Billion and More: Human Population Regulation and Christian Ethics. A Christian analysis of the problems of overpopulation and recommendations for solutions.
Brueggemann, Walter. The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith. A scholarly account of the biblical sources of thought about the land in literal and symbolic terms.
Cobb, John B., Jr. Is it Too Late? A Theology of Ecology. Along with Francis Schaeffer's argument, a first response to the charge that Jews and Christians caused the environmental crisis.
DeWitt, Calvin B. Earth-Wise: A Biblical Response to Environmental Issues. An incisive integration of Christian theology, biblical texts, and scientific ecology.
DeWitt, Calvin B. Caring for Creation: Responsible Stewardship of God's Handiwork. Reprints DeWitt's Kuyper lecture; a succinct account of the ecotheological conversation to date.
Fox, Matthew. Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality. A seminal work on creation theology by a post-denominational priest.
Gottlieb, Roger, S., ed. This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment. A collection of ecotheological essays covering most of the worlds religions.
Hargrove, Eugene C., ed. Religion and Environmental Crisis. Contains essays showing the inherent possibilities of the worlds major religions, including Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism for caring for Creation.
Nash, James. Loving Nature: Ecological Integrity and Christian Responsibility. Argues that Christians are theologically obligated to love the Creation, and to act politically to that end.
Oelschlaeger, Max. Caring for Creation: An Ecumenical Approach to the Environmental Crisis. Argues that the religiously faithful alone can deal with the fundamental questions of ends posed by ecosocial crisis.
Schaeffer, Francis. Pollution and the Death of Man: The Christian View of Ecology. The original evangelical response to Lynn White's charge that Jews and Christians caused environmental crisis.
Van Dyke, Fred, et al. Redeeming the Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship. A comprehensive statement of an evangelical position on caring for Creation.
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