"And, parents, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." ~ (Ephesians 6:4)
None will argue that our children are God's greatest gift in this world. It is our responsibility to raise up our children to know and love Jesus and to be well adjusted, content adults.
There is so much more involved in parenting than just your time. The responsibilities of a parent don't end with simply keeping your children clothed and nourished physically. No other human experience equals the awesome responsibility placed in your hands, that is the responsibility to raise children who love god, love and respect others and carry those values into adulthood. Regardless of your children's ages, you are the most important living figure in their lives, with the responsibility to teach and guide them as they grow to be independent, individual children of God. This gift from God is too precious to let waste.
Surf In The Spirit has created this section just for parents to offer you the spiritual guidance, creative gifts, and practical suggestions you need to effectively raise up your children in the way of our Lord and Savior.

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