Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. ~(Romans 13:8)
As much as it can be for a non-Christian family, financial problems, debt, and living day to day can strain family relationships and strain one's relationship with God.
Today's media pushes the notion that we are nobody if we don't buy that, eat this, have what our neighbors have. It's too easy to fall into the trap, spend more than you have, and find yourself in serious financial difficulty. If you stop and think about it, if asked the question "Can money bring happiness?" almost anyone would answer "Absolutely not." If we all acknowledge that money is not the path to true happiness, why is it that so many are in an eternal quest for more?
Surf In The Spirit wants to show you ways to handle your family's finances. We've provided several tools, articles and informative essays to help you along the path of living a simple, debt free life in Christ.

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