by David Smith
"Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse." (Proverbs 19:1)
We like to believe that doing good will be rewarded with being treated well - we want it true right here and now in this life. Put in an honest day's work and you'll get and honest day's pay. Work hard and you'll get promoted. Demonstrate loyalty and you'll avoid getting laid off. Show some integrity and you'll never have to leave your badge at the personnel office.
That isn't just the world's teaching either. There are preachers, churches, and entire theological systems of belief that teach it. Be good and you'll be rewarded. Live righteously, and the world will do right by you.
It's all a lie. A bald-faced, shameless, money-grubbin' lie. At least in this fallen world it's a lie. Just ask Jeremiah or John the Baptist or Jesus. But still, "It is better to be poor but honest than to be a lying fool." (Proverbs 19:1)
Need persuasion? Must I "show you the money?" The evidence is everywhere. Particularly in the unemployment line. Even in the midst of these "good" economic times. Because sometimes living a godly way of life can cost you a promotion. Maybe even get you a demotion. Maybe even put you in motion - right out the company door pink slip in hand.
That doesn't mean if you've got money you must be "a lying fool." Nor does it mean if you're poor you're a person of integrity. It does mean it is infinitely better to have character than cash, better to have meaning than money, better to be honest than be a high roller. In short, it's better to do well than to be well off. That's true whether the "better" shows up in bank account or not. You see, it's a matter of where we're storing our treasure! (Matthew 6:19-24)
So don't sell yourself, or your faith, or your Lord, short. Not for thirty pieces of silver. Or anything less. Or anything more. The Father and his Kingdom worth more. Far more. Infinitely more. Whatever it costs you. Whatever. (Matthew 6:33)
"Better a poor man whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse." (Proverbs 19:1)
Father, in Jesus' name, help me to stand and serve you today. Uprightly and honestly. With truth and loyalty. May my life and speech today demonstrate all those aspects of your character. May I give no one a mistaken impression of who you are today. Let my life glorify you. This is enough for me - to live for you, come what may. Amen.

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