"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing
to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."
~ (Romans 12:1)
Too many of God's children suffer from serious health problems or are living lifestyles that will lead to health problems in the future. Cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, and numerous other diseases kill millions of people each year even though huge amounts of money are spent on medical care, drugs, and research.
This situation is happening because so many have traveled the wrong paths in life. Their lifestyle does not promote health, nutrition, and the proper care of the body that God has given them. Our society has become lazy, everyone looks for the easy way out by cutting corners. Convenience is the key to living for most people and the convenient, easy way is not often the best way.
Surf In The Spirit has put together this section of our site to assist you and your family in finding the right path to healthy living, to protecting and caring for the body and mind that God gave you. A healthier mind and body is within your reach, and by achieving good health, your relationship with our Lord and Savior will grow.

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