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  Advice For Christians On EducationSaturday, February 8th, 2025  

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
~ (Prov. 22:6)

Your child's educationA Christian education will a child how to grow with God and to understand, appreciate, and praise Him. It teaches the child how to know what his function is as God's loved creation and his obligations as a child of God in this world. The student is taught to glorify God and to develop and use his gifts from God, his intellect, talents, and skills, as instruments to help shape a world that is pleasing to God.

As parents, the decision on how to educate our children is major. Guidance is often needed and the decision can only be made if we are educated ourselves in the reasons for selecting a Christian education.

This section is dedicated to helping you make an informed choice about your child's future. We have information and articles pertaining to Christian schools, as well as Christian homeschooling. We also have aids to facilitate your own usefulness in educating your child whether you are a homeschooling parent or the parent of a child in a formal Christian school.

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