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  Homeschooling Resources: BooksTuesday, October 15th, 2024  
by Patricia M. Lines

The following books are recommended by a broad cross section of experienced homeschoolers. Watch your bookstore and library for new titles.

Colfax, David and Micki. 1988. Homeschooling for Excellence. New York: Warner Books.

Guterson, David. 1992. Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Harris, Greg. 1988. The Christian Home School. Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt.

Hegener, Mark and Helen, Eds. 1995. The Homeschool Reader. Tonasket, WA: Home Education Press.

Hewitt Educational Resources. 1992. Home Education Guide. Washougal, WA: Hewitt Research Foundation.

Holt, John. 1981. Teach Your Own. New York: Delacorte Press.

Hood, Mary. 1996. The Home School Resource Guide and Directory of Associations. Cartersville, GA: Ambleside Educational Press.

Hood, Mary. 1994. The Relaxed Home School: A Family Production. Cartersville, GA: Ambleside Educational Press.

Kaseman, Larry. 1990. Taking Charge Through Homeschooling: Personal and Political Empowerment. Stoughton, WI: Koshkonoong Press.

Moore, Ray and Dorothy, and others. 1979. School Can Wait. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press.

O'Leary, Jenifer. 1993. Write Your Own Curriculum: A Complete Guide to Planning, Organizing, and Documenting Homeschool Curriculums. Stevens Point, WI: Whole Life Publications.

Pedersen, Anne, and Peggy O'Mara, Eds. 1990. Schooling at Home: Parents, Kids and Learning. Santa Fe, CA: John Muir Publications.

Poteet, Howard G. 1986. We Succeeded Through Home Study. Washington, DC: Distance Education and Training Council.

Pride, Mary. 1990. 1991. The New Big Book of Homeschooling. Vols. 1-4. Getting Started; Preschool and Elementary; Teen and Adult; After Schooling. Westchester, IL: Crossways Books.

Sheffer, Susannah. 1995. A Sense of Self: Listening to Homeschooled Adolescents. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.

Soyke, M. Jean. 1991. Early Education at Home: A Curriculum Guide for Parents of Preschoolers and Kindergartners. Baltimore, MD: M. J. Soyke.

Wade, Theodore Jr., and others. 1993. The Home School Manual, 5th ed. Auburn, CA: Gazelle.

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