by Teri Brown
Sometimes I sit and ponder Jesus and how he taught the disciples. If you think about it, they were in a sense, unschoolers. They followed Him, ate with Him, worked with Him, and listened to Him. It is important to realize here that he didn't teach them to read and write, He taught them about faith. He taught them about His Father.
In attempting to follow Christ I have emulated his example in teaching the Christian faith to my children. The things of the Spirit are so intertwined in our lives that just in the course of the day's activities I find many chances to teach my children of Christ. Why should I get my children a packet to teach my faith when Christ did not have one for His decibels? How can you teach a living, breathing faith if you are teaching out of a book that is not the Bible? How the Word addresses our day is what makes it relevant to our children. How can we please God today with our actions? That is what they need to know.
To bestow my children the gift of my faith is why the Lord has given them to me. It is my most important mission, not something to take lightly. So I look to the bible to find the clearest illustration of this process, the years that Christ took a crew of, mostly uneducated, men and turned them into men of faith. Men that our God used for his perfect purpose. I know I cannot be like the most perfect of teachers....... but I will try to imitate him. That is why I am here.
Reprinted with permission of Elissa Henry from the Seedling, a Christian Unschooling E-Zine. For a free subscription, send an e-mail message to or visit
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