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  Checklist for Helping Your Child With HomeworkSunday, March 9th, 2025  
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Educational Research and Improvement

1. Show You Think Education and Homework Are Important.

____ Do you set a regular time every day for homework?

____ Does your child have the papers, books, pencils, and other things needed to do assignments?

____ Does your child have a fairly quiet place to study with lots of light?

____ Do you set a good example by reading and writing yourself?

____ Do you stay in touch with your child's teachers?

2. Monitor Assignments

____ Do you know what your child's homework assignments are? How long they should take? How the teacher wants you to be involved?

____ Do you see that assignments are started and completed?

____ Do you read the teacher's comments on assignments that are returned?

____ Is TV viewing cutting into your child's homework time?

3. Provide Guidance

____ Do you understand and respect your child's style of learning? Does he work better alone or with someone else? Does he learn best when he can see things, hear them, or handles them?

____ Do you help your child to get organized? Does your child need a calendar or assignment book? A bag for books and a folder for papers?

____ Do you encourage your child to develop good study habits (e.g. scheduling enough time for big assignments; making up practice tests)?

____ Do you talk with your child about homework assignments? Does she understand them?

4. Talk With Someone at School When Trouble Comes Up.

____ Do you meet the teacher early in the year before any problems arise?

____ If a problem comes up, do you meet with the teacher?

____ Do you cooperate with the teacher and your child to work out a plan and a schedule to fix homework problems?

____ Do you follow up with the teacher and your child to make sure the plan is working?

In addition to Helping Your Child With Homework, the U.S. Department of Education publishes a number of books on related subjects. To find out what's available and how to order, request the Consumer Information Catalog listing nearly 200 useful federal publications. The Catalog is free from the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. Helping Your Child With Homework

Table Of Contents

Homework: A Concern For The Whole Family
The Basics
Show You Think Education and Homework Are Important
Monitor Assignments
Provide Guidance
Resolve Problems
Homework Resources
The National Education Goals
Homework Checklist

This book is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part of educational purposes is granted

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