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  Bartolomé Estéban MurilloSaturday, March 29th, 2025  

Bartolomé Estéban Murillo

Bartolomé Estéban Murillo was the first Spanish painter to achieve renown throughout Europe, particularly England. He was born in the Spanish city of Seville in 1617. As a child, he went to live with the artist, Juan del Castillo upon the death of his parents. There Murillo showed his talent and began producing religious paintings for small churches. He most noted paintings during his apprenticeship period are of Seville's street children.

Sometime around 1650, Murillo's style changed, most likely due to being influenced by paintings of others he saw in the great collections of Madrid. His paintings now were nearly all religious compositions. In many of these later paintings, there appears an aura surrounding the central figure. Within that aura are angels and cherubs seemingly offering a blessing. Murillo was one of the founders of a public academy of art in Seville and served as its first president. He died on April 3, 1682, from injuries suffered in a fall from a scaffold. Murillo is buried in the church of Santa Cruz in Seville.

Chronology of Important Works

None. Murillo deemed it unnecessary to date most of his works. Besides those listed below, some of his best works are his versions of the Immaculate Conception, and of St Anthony of Padua.
Adoration of The Wise Men

Adoration of The Wise Men

Where to Find The majority of Murillo's best works are in the Museo de Bellas Artes in Sevilla, The Hermitage, and the Louvre. However his works are widely distributed in museums throughout Europe and North America. They include:
  • Museum of fine Arts, Boston - The Young Christ as the Good Shepherd

  • National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa - Abraham and the Three Angels

  • Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco - 7 lithographs

  • Minneapolis Institute of Arts - Penitent Magdalene

  • National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC - 3 painting

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