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  Good Deeds? No They Can't Save You....But...Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024  

There is much said about the fact that good deeds will not bring salvation. Only the Lord, Jesus can save. This is very true. What this article addresses is the idea that as Christians, we are obligated to witness for Christ.

How often have you talked to someone about your faith? How often have you asked the question "Are you a Christian?" or "Have you been saved?" Often when we ask these questions, the response is sarcasm or the rolling of eyes if not vehement argument or out and out laughter.

Consider the reaction of a teenager when we try to tell them the things we've learned through life experience. Don't they usually argue and refuse to acknowledge that we might know something through our years of living...that we may have learned something through our own mistakes and recognize those mistakes being made by them again?

I agree that good deeds will not in themselves bring salvation, but, action so often speaks much louder than words. Isn't the sinner that we help through a troubling time through kindness more likely to respond to that kindness than to words that fall on stressed to deafness ears?

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of lost souls being won by the simple kindnesses of the Lord. Yes, miracles brought proof, but simple kindnesses abound. This is what we as Christians must strive to emulate in life. It is through our caring compassion that new souls will find Jesus. Kind acts are our greatest testimony for our Lord and Savior.

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