Throughout history Christian subjects have been the focal point of fine artists. Museums are filled with pieces by the Masters with Christ as the central theme. In our Art and Literature section we'd like to help you explore visually the beauty of Christ's love.
Inspiring artwork can help us grow in Faith by allowing us a visual backdrop to our Bible studie, meditations, and praise. The beauty found in these works of art have softened even the most hardened hearts.
In our Arts and Literature section, you'll find many examples of the work of Artists who truly glorified the Lord with their own hands and hearts. Many pieces took years to accomplish and are awe-inspiring.
We have included in this section, symbols that have throughout history been used to signify different things in the History of the Christian Faith. To the best of our ability, we have defined these symbols. We're sure you will find this part of our heritage informative.
Please join us on our tour of museum pieces and enjoy the beauty of Christian art.

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