by Robert Dodson
What Do Evolutionists Say About The Origin Of The Evolution Of The Universe?
"The universe is probably the result of a random quantum fluctuation in a spaceless timeless void." (Professor Victor J. Stenger, university of Hawaii, Free Inquiry, "Was The Universe Created?", 1987)
random = accidental
quantum = very big
fluctuation = movement
spaceless = no space
timeless = no time
void = nothing
In other words, evolutionists would have us believe that the universe is here because of an accidental very big movement in no space at no time of nothing.
What Does The Bible Say About The Origin Of The Universe?
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ." (Moses, Genesis 1:1, 1450 B.C.)
in the beginning = time
God = force
created = motion
the heavens = space
and the earth = matter
The five basic facts of science are found in the Genesis account. The Bible is scientifically accurate.
©1997 Robert Dodson. Permission granted to use this article in any manner, as long as:
1) The content is not changed and 2) the name of the author is left on the article.
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