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  Basic Marketing SkillsSaturday, February 8th, 2025  
by Victoria Ring,

I constantly see a problem for homebased business entrepreneurs — and that mistake is basic marketing skills. I will only address one problem in this article, but will talk about more in the future.

The first basic skill we will discuss is establishing your "mindset" for basic marketing. Because of the thousands of "wizards" and "no work" marketing programs out there — people starting their business normally lack the knowledge of how to market products because all of this has been done for them (unsuccessfully.) These beginners start their career as "robots" without any idea of how to sell their products and then wonder why they never sell anything.

So let's take a simple example that everyone can identify with:

Suppose you wanted to sell your old car in order to buy another one. What would be the first step you would take? Normally it would be to call the local newspaper and place an ad. But what would you say in your ad? Would you say something like: "Green car I absolutely love is for sale." Of course not!! You would say something like "1988 Ford Escort, 102,000 miles, fair condition, $800."

What did you just do? You provided precise information about the year and make of the car, the mileage, the condition and the price. That's proper marketing.

Many beginning entrepreneurs normally try and sell a variety of products because they want to make money desperately. This makes it hard to concentrate on selling one specific product. But you can have your cake and eat it too. Just make sure you have ONE major product line, and you can add other products that are associated with it. That way — you can market your products and services to a specific market and describe it in specific terms. Let's go back to the sample classified ad for selling your automobile one moment. What if your ad said "Green car I absolutely love is for sale plus I knit baby booties, trade stocks and bonds and do yard work for fun." Does this tell anybody anything? Absolutely not! It confuses people and they will pass your ad by. You will never sell your car this way — just like you will not sell your products and services by marketing in the same manner.

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