Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It takes a special talent.
Some owners of small businesses have it and some don't. Before you invest
time, energy, money and a piece of your heart, it's important to do some
serious self-analysis. To answer such questions as: Am I prepared to work
hard and make sacrifices? Am I self-disciplined? Do I have management
ability? Am I experienced enough in this field? What do I want out of
life? Are my goals realistic and attainable?
Studies have shown that entrepreneurs are persevering and not easily
defeated. They thrive in a challenging environment and have a tremendous
need to be in control. They turn diversity into opportunity. They are
risk takers. They welcome responsibility, and they are willing and able to
make decisions.
Moreover, successful entrepreneurs are patient and able to wait out
the sometimes slow beginnings of a business. They also are able to learn
from their mistakes, trust their own judgment and have an optimistic
Take a good look. Do those traits describe you? "Know yourself and
be willing to work 60 hours a week. Starting a business is one of life's
biggest commitments," advises Roy Nordman, director of Emerging Business
Services Practice for the San Francisco office of Coopers & Lybrand.
Small business owner Nancy Wansick, of Wansick Graphics, echoes those
sentiments: "My business has become my whole life. Day becomes night and
work has become play."
It's obvious: you have to love your work. And if you choose a business
that meshes with your personality (the answers to the above questions
should tell you about your personality), those extra hours spent won't be
as difficult. The key is to identify what you enjoy doing the most and
then find a business opportunity that makes use of your skills and
Reprinted from the United States Small Business Administration
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