by Brent High
What would happen if your church announced it would be closing its doors in 30 days? This was a thought-provoking question I heard asked in a sermon several years ago. Would people in your community read an article in the newspaper and say, “That’s interesting. I wonder who will buy it?” or would they say, “No! It can’t be true! They’ve done so much for this community. What will we do without them?”
What are we doing for the people in our own backyards? Do people that live within a mile radius of our church buildings know what we’re about? Have we made even the first step in trying to include them in our family? Are there hearts that are open to the good news of Jesus that are within walking distance of where we park our cars on Sunday morning?
So much time, effort and money is put into overseas missions and faraway places. That’s wonderful. We should continue and expand those ministries. Are we putting the same time, effort and money into reaching the people that have the easiest access to what we’re teaching?
I’ve had an idea for backyard ministry. Now that I’m writing about it the hundreds of you that read this column each day can hold me accountable to making it happen. We live within a half mile of our church building. Within one block of our house there are four other families I know of that are dedicated Christians. I want to work with them to promote a neighborhood Bible study and prayer meeting. I have absolutely no idea what to expect, but Lord willing it will happen.
Our young married class is hoping to organize a door-to-door campaign in April that will blanket the area within a mile of our church building. Neighbor Days and Vacation Bible Schools are other excellent ways to minister in the backyard.
"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." - Luke 10:36-37
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