by Randy Becton
Have you been able to catch an episode on television of Touched by an Angel? Oh, it’s a warmly entertaining show! But you won’t learn the most you can know about angels from the television show. You’ll have to look in God’s word, the Bible, for that.
Our great interest in angels reveals our need for help, doesn’t it? In the early days of the Church, many people became obsessed with angels. But in the inspired Word of God the book known as Hebrews opens with a very important message about angels. The theme is simple and straightforward: Angels are good, but Jesus Christ is better.
Angels are messengers from God. Wouldn’t you think it strange if a letter carrier brought someone an important letter from their best friend, but the friend became so fascinated with the letter carrier that they forgot to read the message from their best friend.
Angels are God’s letter carriers. They are good because they help us and point us to Jesus Christ. The Word of God in Hebrews 1 says: “After Jesus finished the sacrifice for sins, the Son took his honored place high in the heavens right alongside God, far higher than any angel in rank or rule.”
Remember, focus your life on Jesus Christ!
©Article copyright © 1996-97, Randy Becton. Reprinted from Heartlight, Inc., 8332 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX 78759.
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