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  Teen DatingSaturday, February 8th, 2025  

Dating Rights
Just like driving a car, going to school or playing a sport, dating someone comes with both rights and responsibilities. Print these out and post them as a reminder for yourself and others. But first, look at them carefully and ask yourself if you are violating someone else's rights - or if someone is violating yours. Are you fulfilling your responsibilities? Are you respecting your rights and the rights of your date?

Your rights...

I have the right to:
  1. To be treated with respect always
  2. To my own body, thoughts, opinions, and property
  3. To choose and keep my friends
  4. To change my mind - at any time
  5. To not be abused - physically, emotionally or sexually
  6. To leave a relationship
  7. To say no
  8. To be treated as an equal
  9. To disagree
  10. To live without fear and confusion from my boyfriend's or girlfriend's anger
Your Responsibilities

I have the responsibility:
  1. To not threaten to harm myself or another
  2. To encourage my girlfriend or boyfriend to pursue their dreams
  3. To support my girlfriend or boyfriend emotionally
  4. To communicate, not manipulate
  5. To not humiliate or demean my girlfriend or boyfriend
  6. To refuse to abuse - physically, emotionally or sexually
  7. To take care of myself
  8. To allow my boyfriend or girlfriend to maintain their individuality
  9. To respect myself and my girlfriend or boyfriend
  10. To be honest with each other

Information from the US Office of the Attorney Gernal

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