Dating Rights
Just like driving a car, going to school or playing a sport, dating someone comes with both rights and responsibilities. Print these out and post them as a reminder for yourself and others. But first, look at them carefully and ask yourself if you are violating someone else's rights - or if someone is violating yours. Are you fulfilling your responsibilities? Are you respecting your rights and the rights of your date?
Your rights...
I have the right to:
- To be treated with respect always
- To my own body, thoughts, opinions, and property
- To choose and keep my friends
- To change my mind - at any time
- To not be abused - physically, emotionally or sexually
- To leave a relationship
- To say no
- To be treated as an equal
- To disagree
- To live without fear and confusion from my boyfriend's or girlfriend's anger
Your Responsibilities
I have the responsibility:
- To not threaten to harm myself or another
- To encourage my girlfriend or boyfriend to pursue their dreams
- To support my girlfriend or boyfriend emotionally
- To communicate, not manipulate
- To not humiliate or demean my girlfriend or boyfriend
- To refuse to abuse - physically, emotionally or sexually
- To take care of myself
- To allow my boyfriend or girlfriend to maintain their individuality
- To respect myself and my girlfriend or boyfriend
- To be honest with each other
Information from the US Office of the Attorney Gernal

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