Our society has done away with all decency in the way they dress. When Janet Jackson can have her breast exposed on national television, we have a problem in our society.
The Webster's College Dictionary defines modest as: "having or showing regard for the decencies of behavior, speech, dress, etc.; decent."
Our society has done away with all decency in the way they dress. When Janet Jackson can have her breast exposed on national television, we have a problem in our society
Christians are even falling victim to the decline in decency as well. I was watching the Christian Music Awards a few years ago, and the way some of the ladies were dressed was just unbelievable. It’s even affecting our younger generation as well. Eleven year olds are even dressing revealing; showing their stomachs, wearing low cut shirts and tight jeans that show every little curve. Where are we headed as Christians? We are supposed to be lights in this world setting the standards of Godliness. Some of us have failed miserably.
Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about modest (or decent) dress.
1 Timothy 2:9-10, “In like manner also, that women adorn (dress) themselves in modest (decent) apparel, with shamefacedness {bashfulness} and sobriety ;{ self-control} not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But which becometh women professing godliness with good works."
The Bible encourages Christian young ladies to dress themselves in decent clothing. He also says to dress decently with shamefacedness. That means to bush or be bashful and shy. There is no sense of bashfulness in the way many Christian young ladies are dressing today. They are showing things that only their future husbands should be allowed to see. Young ladies should be shy when it comes to a guy, who is not their husband, looking at their body.
It then says that they should dress with sobriety, which is self-control. Young ladies need to exercise self-control and discipline when they buy their clothes and put their clothes on in the morning. You need to ask yourselves, “Is this decent? Is this something that Jesus would want me to wear? Will it cause a guy to lust after me?” If the answer to the first two questions is no and the answer to the last one is yes, then you do not need to wear it.
Finally, it says to dress in away that is suitable for a young lady professing godliness. If you’re a Christian and claim Christ as your savior, then every part of your life should be based on that truth. Right down to the shocks you put on. That may be a little extreme, but it proves my Point. Our whole entire lives, including our clothes, should reflect Christ. Do your clothes proclaim to the world that you are a Christian who lives for Christ, or do they proclaim that you’re just like the ungodly world?
If you are dressing revealing, you’re not only disobeying God’s word, but you may be causing guys around you to look at you in a sinful and lustful way as well. Jesus says that if we as guys, look on a young lady to lust after her, then we have committed adultery with her in our hearts. I know there are some perverts out there who would still get turned on if you wore a dress down to you ankles and a hood over your head. You can not help that, but if you are dressing revealing, you are guilty of setting a stubbing block in front of your brothers in Christ.
I didn’t write this out of condemnation, or self-righteousness, but out of love and compassion. I am not perfect myself, but I strive to be more like Christ in my daily life. I just want to encourage you guys to live a life of holiness. However, looking holy on the outside will not get you to heaven. Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will get you to heaven. He will change you from the inside out.
Article from Annointed Youth

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