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  Playing To Your StrengthsSaturday, February 22nd, 2025  
by Kat

It's not the matter of age or having special abilities; it's not based on receiving visions or experiencing miracles to convince you that it is your duty to introduce Christ to many unbelievers. It will rely on using talents that God gave each and every one of us.

Sometimes people escape God's call of ministry by the excuse of age, of present problems, and the inability to speak out to a large group of unbelievers. This was my problem too, when I first realized how I would like to help others just as God would have wanted me to do. I didn't know how to start; surely, I thought, God would not allow me to go to different mission trips while I was still too young. But I was wrong. It's not the matter of age or having special abilities; it's not based on receiving visions or experiencing miracles to convince you that, as one of God's children, it is your duty to introduce Christ to many unbelievers. It will rely on using talents that God gave each and every one of us, talents that are uniquely adapted to suit our personalities and tailored to fit our capabilities. These talents are the means through which we can glorify God and his wisdom that He had chosen us to carry out his plan of salvation to reach out to others needing guidance.

People often complain that they are good at nothing at all, but their talents are just dormant and untapped, waiting to be discovered and unleashed to its full potential. Once released, it will provide the way for God's exaltation. You don't have to be wealthy to donate money to charities; a few bucks each month can go a long way. You don't have to go out in the streets to preach if your heart is not in it, and if you know it is not meant to be your task; find something you are good at or something you enjoy doing and use it for God's greater glory. There are countless opportunities to get you going; you only need to assess your strengths and capabilities, and find a way to use it to your advantage. It will be of no use if you do not enjoy what you do; discover something that for you is pleasurable to do and entwine it with your faith. It's a win-win situation that way, and rest assured that every small thing means a lot for Him. Every drop of your sweat is a person saved and preserved for eternal life.

It would be a wonderful feeling to know you have contributed to others' salvation. It would be great to see how one person is freed from the chains of death all because you were involved in his life. The work may be hard and requires a lot of your patience and perseverance, but the rewards are out of this world. Even a small smile of gratitude is a gift in itself, for it is a mark of your ministry and faith.

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