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  Body Image And Eating DisordersSunday, March 30th, 2025  

Have you ever thought that there was something wrong with the way you look? Do you think that you are too short or too tall, too heavy or too skinny?

If you have had thoughts like these, you are not alone. These feelings about how you look are called body image. Body image and self-esteem are tied together since body image can affect how you feel about your whole self. When you put yourself down about how you look, it can lead to negative feelings about yourself in general. Poor self-esteem can also lead to eating disorders that can put your health in danger.

If you start to have negative thoughts about your body and the way you look, think about all of the traits that make you special and unique. Look at your whole self - body and mind - in a positive way and write down what you see. Need a hand getting started? Focus on the good things in your life by using the Just 4Me log.

Or before you go to bed at night, name three things you did that day that made you happy. By focusing on the positive aspects of your life you can feel more positive about yourself! Don't forget to give yourself compliments too! Say it out loud when the day is done! Like, "Today I played my best in our soccer game," or "My family loved the dessert I made tonight!" or "My friends really liked the jokes I told them."

If you are struggling with an eating disorder or just can't seem to feel better, talk to an adult you trust right away.

  • You are beautiful!
  • You are one of a kind!
  • Real beauty comes from inside!
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