Everyone has those days. Sometimes nothing goes right and no matter how organized you are, unscheduled things will make a mess of your plans... and you home. So what do you do when the phone rings and company is on the way? First, don't panic. It's time for speed cleaning.
1. Move the clutter: Grab a big bag or basket and quickly go through each room, the commong rooms first, bedrooms and private areas last. Pick up all out of place items and stick them in the bag. Tuck the bag in some out of the way spot that company is not likely to see. You can put all the stuff back where it belongs after they leave.
2. Don't trust company not to snoop. The temptation is to close all the bedroom doors and hope for the best, but this is sure to make even the most restrained nosey person open the door to peek. Make all the beds. You should have already stashed all the clutter in the above mentioned bag.
3. Take the most time with the bathroom that the company is mnost likely to use. Wipe down the toilet and swish a scrubber brush around. Wipe down the sink and make sure there's a fresh bar of hand soap. If time is really limited, wipe down the outside of the bathtub and close the shower curtain. (they'll peek, but chances are, there tub looks just like yours). Clean the mirror and resign yourself to the fact that the company will peek in the medicine chest. Wipe up any spots on the floor. Make sure there are clean guest towels.
4. In the kitchen, put all food away. Quickly wipe down the counters. Load all dirty dishes into the dishwasher or into a sink full of soapy water. Wash them if you have time. If you don't have time, at least it looks like you were about to wash them when the phone rang. Sweep the floor and put out the trash. Light a couple of scented candles to take out any stale odors.
5. In the living room, fluff all throw pillows and neatly stack any magazines or books. Use a feather duster to get rid of all traces of dust. If there's time, vaccuum the rug. Turn off the TV and put on some soft music.
6. Clean yourself up. Change your clothes and brush your hair. Looking in the mirror, take a few deep breaths to relax you. You don't want to look like you just rushed through cleaning.
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