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  Share The Work LoadSaturday, February 8th, 2025  
© Jeffrey L. Nape

"I have so many things to do and so many responsibilities. But there is so little time for everything. And not enough energy. Being a Christian is really getting to be a burden." Most of us have felt like making these statements. But should being a Christian be such a burden? Granted, it isn't easy, but does it have to be so overwhelming?

Sometimes we work so hard because we think we have to keep things going. But we may be depriving others of the opportunity to learn and to grow when we try to do everything ourselves. Other people may have a different perspective and may provide valuable insights and ideas. Their fresh outlook could bring new vitality to our efforts and lighten our load.

The work load must be shared by the entire congregation. Some people will seem to be doing more than others, simply by the nature of their work. Their work is more noticeable. But people may be very busy serving the Lord, even though the fruits of their labor are visible to only the people most closely affected. If we think someone isn't doing enough, we can gently encourage him. But we should try not to judge him. We may not have all the facts.

People's lives go through cycles. Sometimes people need to be spending a concentrated amount of time in Bible study and prayer, or in some other kind of training. You may not think you are accomplishing much during these times, but you are actually preparing for a more productive future.

People go through periods of illness or other problems when they are less active. But even slow periods can be used productively. This is a great time to catch up on Bible reading and meditation. You may feel that you are being selfish by using so much of your energies dealing with your own problems. But learning to deal with difficulties may become a great asset to serving the Lord. You may later have opportunities to minister to people with similar problems.

A balance must be maintained. Maybe you are concerned that you aren't doing enough. Pray about whether you should assume more responsibility. Or maybe you feel you are doing too much, or have trouble meeting all your obligations. Pray about whether you should share your work load with others, or delegate responsibility to others. Serving the Lord does require effort. But it does not have to be a burden.

© 1993 Jeffrey L. Nape. All Rights Reserved.

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