© John Mark Ministries
The following checklist will remind you of strengths you have forgotten. During a family mealtime, read the list and ask each person to pick 3 or 4 strengths. Consider the following as symptoms of a strong family. Your goal is to discover the strengths you already have and to prepare your family to get even stronger.
- You catch each other doing things right and you tend to look for the good instead of focusing on the bad.
- You have learned how to argue without losing your temper. You have eliminated violence in your relationships.
- You deal with each day's problems as they arise, rather than letting them build up.
- You have made family a top priority on your schedule and when the schedule gets tough, family wins.
- You make time for casual conversations. You talk about feelings, intentions, thoughts, experiences, and actions.
- You spend lots of time doing things together as a family and you help each other try new things.
- Your family has a positive view of life. You speak about character and growth more than failures.
- You tell stories about your parents and your childhood, even if your children are tired of hearing them.
- You do something special with your spouse each week - make a date, even if it's just a walk around the block.
- You don't label your family members. You allow each person to grow and change.
- You have expressed your appreciation for each person in your family. Even with its faults, you're proud of your family. You feel blessed.
- You have learned an effective way to resolve conflicts that works for you and your family.
- You get help with problems and frustrations before they become full-blown crises.
- You have found a purpose or mission in your life that is worth fighting for, and you work at it together.
- You've learned when to be flexible and when to be firm.
- You've developed a team spirit around the house. Helping out teaches everyone responsibility. It's a mark of maturity.
- You have heart-to-heart informal talks with each family member on a regular basis.
- You pray with each family member on a regular basis.
- You have found a healthy way of dealing with stress - prayer, music, exercise, relaxation, humor, worship, pets, etc.
- Your family is aware of the rules and expectations at home, and, although the rules may be challenged, they are respected.
- You have found ways to have fun together on a regular basis.
- You eat together at least one meal a day.
- Your family attends church regularly and is involved at church.
- You take a family vacation at least once a year.
- You have developed your own family traditions, including birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, anniversary, and other special days.
- You have learned how to bless each member of your family, and you give blessings regularly.
- You have cried with a family member in the last few months, and you have laughed with a family member in the last few months.
- You share your work life. You let your children see you at work and meet your co-workers.
- You keep your own passion for life alive.
- You share successes as a family, talking about the good things that happen during the day.
- You share inspirational stories of people who stand for the values you appreciate.
- You honor your children's creations and have set aside an area of the house (refrigerator door) for displaying their creations, awards, and schedules.
- Your family speaks openly about church, faith, and religious issues.
- You have found ways to talk with your children about tough issues like drugs, sex, race, honor, and death.
- Every once in a while you do something crazy with your family.
- When your family faces a crisis, you pull together and find a way to deal with it successfully.
- When you make promises you keep them.
- In your family, Dad is involved with the children. He is the family leader.
- You feel safe and secure within your home.
- You have a challenging, but fulfilling marriage.
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